Tuesday, 3 June 2014

To know the Mind of God

One thing that always puzzles (frustrates) me in the discussions that many atheists (in particular evolutionists) raise in objection to God and/or design is this:

“If God was real / created us, He would not have done it like this.”

This is then almost used as a “scientific” argument (at least in the case of naturalistic evolutionists) for rejection of a Designer or a God.

This however is fallacy – and it certainly is not science. Science is not speculation, it is not human imagination, it is not personal opinion nor is it personal expectations. Science is primarily about reproducing observations in order to test hypotheses. It is ironic that naturalists are often the very first to point out God is not a scientific option as a god cannot be tested or defined by scientific method (hence the materialistic dogma that has been put in place for modern day science for all and any interpretation to adhere to). Yet so many scientists are equally as quick to comment on what a god should or should not be like if one were to exist. 

To “know the Mind of God” I would propose is in fact an oxymoron, at least in our human state. People use the word “God” yet fail to attribute that word to what it conveys. The Judeo-Christian God (YWH, Jehovah, etc) has no true name that man knows, that can be uttered. I believe that this is in fact to display the nature of God – man cannot fully know, understand or grasp. We attribute “God” to Him as this is a description of who He is – not just a name. That is to say, a “god” by definition is a being more powerful, more knowledgeable, more able, and wiser than we. It is a conceptual perspective: that is to say, the Judeo-Christian God is transcendent, beyond comprehension and understanding, without limit, outside the scope and constraints of this universe. Yet humans think that they can say:

“If God exists He must be x, y and z. If He created, it would be a, b and c. As x, y and z are not true, and a, b and c are not observed, God is not real.”

But that is an illogical argument, and certainly not scientific. The only thing that Judeo-Christians can claim about God’s character is that which is revealed in Scripture which we believe to be God’s Word and from God Himself. (As a side-note – if the Bible is not the actual inspired Word of God then the whole thing falls down and truly what can we say about God except speculation?) Therefore, we are not claiming x, y, and z – He is. If YOU were God then YOU might do it differently, but you cannot put yourself in that perspective as a human being, full of error, sin and limited vastly by this great universe, constrained by the forces of that which you do not understand.

If everything in this universe was as we would fully expect and understand given our limited state, if we could fully define the character of God and make full sense of it, would God still be a “god”? I think not. Therein lies the paradox of belief in a God – acceptance that you cannot understand a true God. Fortunately though, God has revealed Himself to us, in as much as we need to understand (at least for salvation and some of His character).

Such arguments may be philosophical arguments against God, however they certainly are not “scientific” arguments for lack of a Designer for example, as they are inherently unscientific arguments. Let me give you an example. Imagine someone like myself, who knows nothing about cars, entering into a car factory. I study the process of manufacturing a car in front of me, maybe I take apart a new model of a car and familiarise myself with the pieces and components. I can work out what some things do more easily than others. After a while of doing this, I declare myself an expert in the creation and design of cars, and conclude that the person who designed this car did not know what they were doing because there is a cable here that I do not understand what its function does. It seems to do one thing but it is longer than it appears to be necessary for that function. Therefore I conclude, this is a poor design and the person who designed it did not know what they were doing, or at least was not a “good” designer.

Would I not be considered mad? I was merely investigating something that was already designed, already there in existence. I did not design it, I did not put it there. I can take it apart and try to work out what bits do. But I do not know the mind of the designer, why they made one thing one way and another different. Perhaps there was purpose that I cannot see. Perhaps there were things like back-up mechanisms that any good engineer would put in, in case of primary failure. To declare the design as flawed would be fallible, given my limited knowledge.

How much more so with incredibly complex systems outside our current scope of our full understanding? Then take into account, the Bible says we live in a broken, fallen world as a result of sin (Genesis 3:16-19). Things were made and they were “very good” however sin of mankind (first in Adam) brought a curse and death not just on humans and spiritual death, but physical death and a curse on nature itself. For example there is good reason to believe that thorns did not exist before the Fall if you hold a literal interpretation of Genesis 1-3. Therefore, the world we see now is very different to the intended, first time design. (Another side-note – this is in fact, a great weakness of theistic evolution as it must result in the opposite: i.e. great imperfection slowly making its way towards imperfection).

So use of this argument [To know the mind of God] is down to mere human pride and arrogance. In science, it is not a valid argument against a Designer because it is heavily-laden with personal assumptions (why would a designer do it like this? I wouldn’t...), and it is not testable. Yet it is the essence of many an opposition to design.

Secondly, outside of science and into philosophical arguments, the objection to the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible in “knowing the mind of God” is a rationalisation of the claims about God’s character. For example:

“God is love, yet He sends people to eternal suffering and damnation in Hell. Therefore God is not love. God is not real.”

“God loves mankind yet He allows incredible amounts of suffering, therefore God does not love mankind. God is not real.”

I am not sure in the Bible where it says that understanding God is easy (Job 15:8; Job 21:22; Isaiah 40:13; Jeremiah 23:18; 1 Corinthians 2:11). I am not sure why we expect to fully be able to rationalise every detail in our minds. If we could fully understand and comprehend these issues, we would be like God ourselves. That cannot happen until He makes us like Him as we are full of sin and blemish. The Bible is clear on that (1 John 3:2; 1 Corinthians 13:12). 

And therein lays the issue with these complaints. People cherry-pick from the Bible statements but they take them out of context. What is the context? The whole Bible! That is to say, if you are going to take a statement in the Bible and say “if this is true...” and then extrapolate on it, you HAVE to take the rest of the Bible with it. Therefore, when God says He is love (1 John 4:8) it does not negate His Justice (2 Thessalonians 1:6), or Holiness (1 Samuel 2:2; Isaiah 6:3; Revelation 4:8). We cannot understand those concepts because we are neither Just nor Holy (Romans 3:10). We cannot even comprehend His holiness. Whenever people in Scriptures caught a glimpse of His Holiness what happened to them? Look at the prophets, look at John in Revelation (1:17). John knew Jesus when He was on the earth, veiled in His humanity, His glory covered up. John was closer to holiness arguably than anyone alive today, as an apostle of God. Yet what was his response much like Isaiah (6:5), Ezekiel (1:28), Paul (Acts 9:3-4) and other prophets? He [John] fell on his face like a dead man. He went into a coma-like state of near death upon seeing the Risen Lord Jesus in glorified form. Isaiah proclaimed woe on himself for he is ruined (Isaiah 6:5). Upon facing the most Holy One the only response can be that of ruin, death, separation from God as it shines the light on you and exposes your true unholy state. The uncleanliness of man and the inherent inability of man to coexist in the presence of God in such a state is made fully and abundantly aware. When you take that into consideration it is even more amazing that any human could ever end up in the presence of God, and makes Jesus’ sacrifice even more astonishing especially in relation to God turning His Back on Jesus.

We cannot comprehend nor understand the perfect harmony of judgement, holiness, Hell, forgiveness and God’s love. But when we take the whole Bible, and not isolate characteristics of God and interrogate them with human understanding isolated away from His other attributes, we see a picture that fits and makes sense, in as much as it can to the human mind.

I truly believe that when you delve deep and read in the Bible about Jesus and His life on earth, any questions you have about His Love, His Justice and Hell fade from confusion to acceptance. Why? Quite simply because of the profound nature of Jesus’ life on earth. When you read the Scriptures about Jesus, with the knowledge that He is in fact a sinless, pure man that is yet fully God (Hebrews 2:9-18), you can be nothing short of astounded at His meek, mild, loving, forgiving and humble nature. That is God when He came in human form. He wept at the death of one He would raise to life (Lazarus; John 11:35). He wept over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41), despite the fact it was full of sinners and rejection of Him and salvation. He asked His Father to forgive the people who beat Him (Luke 23:34), who drove nails into His feet and hands, who mocked Him, who taunted Him, who gave Him vinegar to drink. Yet we want to question His love and justice and how they can work out in eternity? If you ever doubt as a Christian how a loving God could do things that are spoken of in the Bible, all you have to do is read about the life of Jesus. Those questions will fade into complete acceptance that whatever happens you can be confident of the most supreme and highest form of justice will occur in the spiritual realm.

Who is there like God? Who can know the mind of the Creator? Who can understand His ways, His thoughts, His wisdom? The wisdom of God is foolishness to men (1 Corinthians 1:18, 25; Ecclesiasties 8:17), and He still makes the wise of the world to be most foolish. We cannot know the mind of God. The Scriptures can give us a glimpse, and one day when those of us saved by His grace will be “made like Him” we will certainly have a better understanding of His mind, but I would argue we will never fully know the mind of God, for that is only possible for God Himself. We will simply come to a better comprehension of God’s mind.


  1. I'll agree that an atheist evolutionist is not living up to his materialist dogma by insisting the a creator wouldn't do such and such regarding some organism found out in Nature. There is no scientific experiment to date which has proved such a conclusion. When you attempt to point this out, the usual insults, vulgar language and name calling generally follow. At that point one realizes they have nothing.

    One the other side of the coin however, when Darwin questioned the existence of God because he lost his daughter, I think is a legitimate one. It is natural and normal for a human being to question and reason such in the light of what is said in the Bible about God personally. However, when Darwin went out and questioned why God would make those Argentine Savages and superior humans like the European, then that is where he failed. There again is no scientific experiment which will satisfactorily answer that question legitimately, without the invented religious metaphysics.

    The problem was similar when Jesus Christ lived on Earth. People had questions and doubts. The main fault as Jesus pointed out was the religious leaders of the day, and this is the same EXACT issue today. Religious clerics have done more harm than good especially during the last 20th Century. Europe where I live is almost totally secularists and atheistic thanks to the Clergy of all Europe and all it's denominations. So there is a collective or community bloodguilt responsibility they all share. The main condemnation is religious participation during World War II. I realize no one wants to hear this, but it needs saying.

  2. Hi Kevin, thanks for your comment.

    The Bible is in fact filled with the "questioning of God" especially if you focus in on the Psalms. I do not think it is sinful to pose such questions in the spirit of seeking understanding and wisdom. The Psalmist always came to the same conclusion though that God was ultimately righteous, just and in control.

    We will always struggle to understand why some things happen to us and may never fully understand in this life time the true reasons. However I do believe there is comfort in the Bible and through the Holy Spirit that is sufficient to come to the same conclusion as the Psalmist (God is in control).

    The problem with so many (all?) atheists today is the use of these arguments against God as holding Him personally responsible and using it as a source and justification for their own anger and rejection of Him and His Word. Even my discussions with scientists who say they argue on the pure basis of science against existence for a God will always come back / deeply root their arguments around these issues. I.e. if there was a God why is there so much death, suffering, pain, etc.

    Personally I see atheism (or irreligion) as no more of a problem than false religion. In fact, you could argue that false religion is worse as someone is perhaps more comfortable in their beliefs about what will happen to their soul upon death and may be harder to realise their need for true salvation through grace. Belief in a God or even belief that the Judeo-Christian God is real is not sufficient to save or for salvation - even the demons know that God exists. Even Satan enters heaven currently to accuse the brethren.

    The problem in my mind both in Jesus' time and today is not the leaders, but humans. The leaders were self-righteous and led people astray for sure, but this does not excuse unbelief from those who were not leaders. Jesus healed, He raised from the dead, He therefore validated His message which was one of repentance and belief in Him as a Saviour. Yet the same people were then calling for His crucifixion.

    People love their sin and they love the darkness. This has been true ever since the Fall and even with perfect leaders people will still turn away from true saving faith. All you have to do is read Revelation (if you will take it on a more literal reading) and realise despite all the signs around them and the messages being preached and the judgement from God, many people will even know it is from God and they will blaspheme Him. They still reject Him.

    That being said, there are undoubtedly leaders in true Christianity circles that are doing more harm than good. People should not be quick to want to lead as we are told those who do lead are held to a greater accountability. One would even question the true nature of their faith if they remain in unrepentant sin. People want to cover up sin such as immorality and abuse that goes on even in the true Church among leaders, but for purely human erroneous logic. That logic is one that states outwardly we must look good to attract people to our faith/Church/organisation. They fail to realise that the most powerful thing you can do to draw people to Christ is to denounce sin and show that the Church has at its goal a purifying one that does not tolerate sin. The exposure of sin and repentance from (and removal of non-repentance) is more powerful than "looking unified" and that which goes with it.

    In my humble opinion.
